Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Don't Punch My Junk

The TSA is creating a world of fear and inconvenience—terrorists can go ahead and vacation while the TSA does their work for them. The TSA harasses, detains, and infringes upon the rights of innocent Americans in the name of national security, while providing only an illusion of such. They obsess over anomalies such as the underwear bomber, while failing to recognize the key threats—such as the nice targets made by long lines in front of security checkpoints. It doesn't take a genius to see that changes need to be made.

In the following is presentation given by Deviant Ollam at Dojocon 2010, Deviant does an excellent job summing up recent events, while offering ideas about what we can do to fix it. (Warning: contains strong language.)

What I find especially interesting are his observations about how Israel handles terrorism; even in a country that is such a high target, Israel's airports are much more simple, efficient, and safe. It's frustrating to see how security could be done, and then realize the only thing holding us back is the bureaucratic nightmare we live in. Hopefully by banding together we the people can solve this issue, and then start working on the next item in an endless list of problems we call the U.S. Government.

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