Wednesday, March 16, 2011

You Go, Girl!

It warms my heart to see women in computer science, like this hacker who was programming in x86 and C by age 14. It is baffling that there are so few women in computer science: its flexibility makes it a great profession whether you are career driven, a traditional stay-at-home mom, or anywhere in between. I don't know whether it's the misconception that computer science is for nerdy guys, or some biological difference in women's brains; all I know is a lot of women are missing out on computer science, and computer science is missing out on a lot of women.


Warren Lemmon said...

I whole-heatedly agree. There needs to be more women in computer science. Maybe its just the stereotype which deters them from perusing the CS path.

Devon said...
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Devon said...

She makes a nice icon unless she turns out to be a middle-aged man.

Greg Philbrick said...

I am of the opinion that gender roles/aptitudes are based more on sociological construction and reinforcement than actual biological differences between males and females. To me, this story is remarkable more because of the subject's age than her sex.

Anonymous said...

I used to want to do other majors because there were more girls in them. CS rocks, but we need to solve this problem soon.